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May 6 Pollinator Walks

Markers for Walks Sites

Tours will only happen in clear weather. They are all outdoors, so dress for the morning temperature.

Walks at Greenwood, Holy Cross and Millenium Park have open starts (arrive at any time). Those at 129 James St have start times: 9 am, 9:30am, and 10 am.

Greenwood United Church
737 Donwood Drive

Four bee hives here are stewarded by the congregation’s trained beekeepers- Ruth, Anne, Brian and Peggy, as well as Minister Allan Reeves and his wife, Lyn. Greenwood United Church has recently become a “Bee Church” through the organization Bee City and is the first in Canada. Learn how the bees are stewarded through community and spirit! (hive opening is dependent on weather).

The Greenwood United Church Green Team is dedicated to recognizing the sacredness of the Earth through greening our building and property, exploring eco-spirituality in their worship services, and extending this vision to the greater community.

Tour leader: Marcy Adzrich

Private Garden
129 James St

This stop caters to local solitary bees (though honey bees are always welcome!). See the stages of an expanding boulevard pollinator garden and existing pollinator gardens in front of and to the sides of the house.

The backyard contains shrubs that feed pollinators (elderberry, gooseberry, serviceberry, raspberries) as well as habitat for solitary bees: bee hotels, a bee waterer, open soil areas.

If the weather is kind, you may see bumble bees and solitary bees on blooming gooseberries and glory-in-the-snow as well as dandelions!

Tour leader: Anne Trudell
Start times: 9 am, 9:30 am, 10am

Millenium Park
Off Water St.  between King & Charlotte
By the Steve Chaisson Pond

Theme: Monarchs & Milkweed

What can the interactions between plants & pollinators tell us about our own coexistence with each other, and about our relationship with nature? This tour will explore these themes and will focus on Monarchs & Milkweed and the evolutionary relationship between these two species. Although many plants & pollinators may not be seen at Millennium Park yet, those who come along for the tour will be invited to share stories about their relationship with nature, and the importance of conserving our natural habitats.

Tour leader: Carlotta James

Holy Cross CSS Hive
1355 Lansdowne Street W

Our hive, located on a controlled access greenroof, has been a good producer and excellent learning tool for community members. Beginning in the spring of 2018, ten students have been meeting weekly to learn about beekeeping basics, the honey bee life cycle, and the importance of pollinators. The group will also be promoting healthy native pollinator species by building gardens and beneficial habitats.

The HC open hive is accessible from the East doors of Holy Cross (beside garage door). A student will be present to open the doors and give directions to the hive.